Pattaya, Thailand | 15 April – 30 April 2023

High Converting Landing Pages With AI: A Hands-On Workshop

Dive into the transformative world of AI with our hands-on workshop tailored for small businesses in Pattaya and Bangkok.

Unlocking AI's Potential

Mastering AI-Powered Landing Pages

Unlock the potential of AI in digital marketing with our immersive workshop. Dive deep into the world of AI-powered landing pages, learn from experts, and walk away with a fully optimized landing page tailored to your business. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned marketer, this workshop promises actionable insights and hands-on experience.

Key Takeaways

AI in Digital Marketing

Understand the transformative impact of AI on landing page optimization.

Personalization Techniques

Learn how AI tailors content to individual user behavior, enhancing user experience and conversion rates.

Chatbot Integration

Discover the power of AI-driven chatbots in engaging visitors and driving conversions.

A/B Testing Mastery

Harness AI to automate and refine your A/B testing strategies for optimal results.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure your landing pages shine across all devices with AI-driven mobile responsiveness.

What You'll Walk Away With:

  • A fully built, AI-optimized landing page for your business.
  • Hands-on experience with the latest AI tools and platforms.
  • A clear understanding of how to leverage AI for future digital marketing campaigns.
  • Exclusive resources, templates, and guides to further your AI marketing journey.
  • A network of like-minded professionals and experts to collaborate with.

Ready to revolutionize your digital marketing with AI? Secure your spot now and transform your landing page game!


Sign Up Today!

Join our workshops and discover how to build a professional website, drive traffic, and master online marketing.

Pattaya, Thailand

(021) 345-6789

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